BOCK is one of the global leaders in technology and innovation in the development of economical and environmentally friendly solutions in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning technology, including heat pumps and heat recovery – with one of the largest portfolios of natural refrigerant compressors in the world, such as carbon dioxide (R744), hydrocarbons, and other refrigerants with low global warming potential.

SHG/SHA and SHGZ Series
- Efficient condensers with reliable finned tube design
- Suitable for both low and high ambient temperatures
- Powerful fans with speed control
- Made in Germany
- Dual and quadruple fans for safely cooling goods, with airflows of 27 m³/h and 48 m³/h, respectively
وحدات تبريد وحدات تجميد | bock | وحدات تبريد المانية
وحدات تبريد وحدات تجميد | bock | وحدات تبريد المانية
BOCK Condensing Unit SHG/SHA and SHGZ Series
- Efficient condensers with reliable finned tube design
- Suitable for both low and high ambient temperatures
- Powerful fans with speed control
- Made in Germany
- Dual and quadruple fans for safely cooling goods, with airflows of 27 m³/h and 48 m³/h, respectively
وحدة تبريد وحدة تجميد | bock | وحدة تبريد المانية
وحدة تبريد وحدة تجميد | bock | وحدة تبريد المانية

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